Individuals with bigorexia (also referred to as muscle dysmorphia, reverse anorexia and/or adonis complex) develop an obsession with their muscularity believing themselves to be too weak and small no matter how big their muscles are.
Although men are most susceptible, both men and women can be affected by this condition.
When you have bigorexia, you are fixated on the thought that there is something wrong with the way that your body looks. That can influence your behavior.
Muscle dysmorphia can look like many things, including:
Symptoms will vary, however, the following are common:
Bigorexia affects the whole family. Loved ones often find it hard to understand that an eating disorder is actually about feelings and coping, rather than food. This can lead to misunderstandings and arguments, particularly at meal times.
Individuals who suffer from bigorexia follow very strict diets, and they will rarely eat at someone else’s house or at a restaurant because they cannot control the dietary balance or know what exactly was put into the meal, which could leads some individuals to develop eating disorders such as bulimia nervosa, high blood pressure, can cause liver failure and heart attacks. Also, the use of drugs such as anabolic steroids is a common occurrence among bigorexics. Men continue to use steroids despite the side effects they experience, such as acne, impotence, baldness, breast enlargement, increased aggression, testicular shrinkage and impotence.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is the most common treatment plan for bigorexia. CBT is a combination of cognitive therapy, which aims to help the individual identify the thoughts and triggers that sustain the disorder, and behavioral therapy, which helps the individual change behaviors that are harmful.
Most families benefit from family help aimed at supporting and managing any difficult relationships. Family work is helpful and encouraged, depending on your ability to cope.
Even after many years with the illness, you can recover and go on to live a full life but you must want to recover.